So tomorrow marks the end of the first trimester, which I am told means less nausea and more energy. Rejoice! One trimester down, two to go.
We had our second ultrasound on Monday and everything looked great! When we first looked at our baby, the NP said it was asleep (and doing a head-stand), but a couple of little pokes to the tummy and we could see the baby kicking its feet, waiving its arms, and we could see the brain, the fingers, and the umbilical cord.
While it is still too early to accurately predict the baby's gender, the NP said that based on the way the tissue was developing, he was about 70% sure it was a boy. I thought Noah was going to run a victory lap around the hospital! Anyway, we'll have a better idea by the end of February or begining of March. Here is our little acrobat:

You can see the head on the right, then the tummy, and the legs are sticking up in the air. The hand closer to us seemed to be in its mouth (suking her thumb if it is my daughter and probably picking his nose if it is Noah's son). The hand further away from us was kind-of in a solute. From this picture you can just see the blurry hand over the nose. Well, it's back to school, but I hope to give updates soon!